Following approval by the General Meeting on 9th July 2014, this Code came into operation on 9th July 2014.
- The Hong Kong Institute of Security Professionals (the Institute) was constituted, among others, to promote and safeguard the social, physical and economic development of the Security environment of Hong Kong in the best interest of the community and to raise the status and safeguard and advance the interests of the profession of Security. Members of the Institute are governed by its Constitution, By-laws, Rules and this Code of Professional Conduct.
- The object of this Code of Professional Conduct is to promote the standard of professional conduct and self discipline required of every Member of the Institute in the interest of the public. (All references to "Member" in this Code refer to Fellow and Member.) Students of the Institute are required to comply with the provision of the Code wherever applicable.
- This Code comprises four areas namely:
- Responsibility to Society;
- Responsibility to the Profession;
- Responsibility to the Clients/ Employers; and
- Responsibility to fellow Members.
In each of the area are principles and rules which indicate good practice or the conditions under which certain activities are permitted/ prohibited.
- Members may be required to answer enquiries concerning their professional conduct in accordance with the Constitution of the Institute. The Council of the Institute shall have the power to suspend, expel or reprimand Members who are proved to have acted against the aims and objects of the Institute and contrary to the intent of the Code of Professional Conduct.
- Note that unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural number and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine and the neuter gender and vice versa and words importing persons shall include companies or corporations and vice versa.
A. Responsibility to Society
- Members of the Institute in discharging their responsibilities to their employers and the profession shall at all times be cognisant of the interests of the general public in matters of town and country planning.
- When making a public statement professionally and personally, Members shall:
(a) ensure that both their qualification to make the statement and their association with any benefiting party are made known to the recipients of the statement; and
(b)avoid giving the impression to any person reading or hearing those views that they form part of a statement made on behalf of the Institute.
- Members are encouraged to extend public understanding of the security profession, and to offer professional advice and comments to the government and related authorities on planning policies and implementation provided that any adverse criticism is neither malicious nor with improper motives.
- Members shall faithfully carry out the duties which they undertake, and shall have a proper regard for the interests both of those who commission, and of those who may be affected by, the Security proposals.
- Members advertising or authorizing an advertisement of professional Civil Care and Security services shall ensure that the advertisements are neither misleading to the public nor such as to prejudice their professional status or the reputation of the profession. In particular, no advertisement of Security service shall contain any of the following:
(a) an inaccurate statement;
(b) an explicit comparison between the service offered by the Member advertising and the service offered by other Members of the Institute;
(c) any endorsement for a commercial product or company; or
(d) statements which run counter to the Constitution of the Institute.
- Members shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, creed, religion, disability or age and shall seek to eliminate such discrimination by others and to promote equality of opportunity.
B. Responsibility to the Profession
- Members of the Institute shall order their conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the profession. Members shall:
(a) discharge their professional responsibilities with integrity, dignity, fairness and courtesy;
(b) give opinions in their professional capacity that are objective, reliable and honest and to the best of their ability and knowledge;
(c) take all reasonable steps to maintain adequate development of their professional competence;
(d) accept responsibility for their actions and ensure that persons to whom they delegate authority are sufficiently competent to carry the associated responsibility;
(e) not undertake responsibility which they themselves are not qualified and competent to discharge;
(f) when working outside Hong Kong show their professional conduct according to the recognized standards of conduct in that country, provided always that their conduct shall be such as to uphold the status and integrity of the Institute;
(g) have proper regard for the professional obligations and qualifications of those with whom they are professionally associated; and
(h) when working within the field of another profession pay due regard to the ethics of that profession.
- Members must not hold, assume, accept or retain a position in which their interests are in conflict with their professional duty.
- Members must not undertake any duties or carry out any instruction of an employer, client or supervisor which involve making statements purporting to be their own but which are contrary to their bona fide professional opinion.